Originally published March 17, 2015 

Good morning world
Hi, its your girl JA Nursing here  Today's St Patricks Day or  as  some would say St Patty's Day. As Parents, it is always important to learn so you  can teach. 
  I was asked some time ago from my kids  why they had to celebrate  ST Patrick's day?  As a Canadian,  I must admit I didn't know why we celebrated it  either.  With the  last name Smith  (The surname Smith is particularly prevalent among those of English and Irish descent),  I was also curious.   AM I IRISH? They have always said that the Irish and Jamaican mesh =Get along  so let's,  find out whats the  real deal about St Patricks Day.

Did you know that 
Sir Alexander Bustamante, National Hero and first Prime Minister of Jamaica, used to boast that he was 50 per cent Irish, 50 per cent Jamaican and  10 per cent Arawak. Well known for his humorous nature, charm and charisma, 'Busta' as he is affectionately known,
When you think of the Irish diaspora, you probably think of Great Britain, the United States and Canada, but it turns out the Irish didn’t just stick to the colder western climates.
Irish people are the second-largest reported ethnic group in Jamaica, after Jamaicans of African ancestry. Population estimates range from 300,000 to 700,000, making Irish Jamaicans up to 25% of Jamaica'spopulation. Most Jamaicans with Irish heritage also have African ancestry.
That the Irish began arriving in Jamaica as early as 1641 and have contributed significantly to the culture of the country.

The Irish arrived in Jamaica over 350 years ago in the mid-1600s at the time of British Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell's capture of Jamaica. When British Admirals Penn and Venables failed in their expedition to take Santo Domingo from the Spanish, they turned their attention to Jamaica, not wanting to return to Cromwell empty-handed. With reinforcements from British-held Barbados (many of whom were Irish) they made quick work of dispatching the weak Spanish defense and soon realized that they needed workers to support their new prize. They looked eastward to islands already under British control, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Montserrat.

Irish Jamaicans
Marcus Garvey
Claude McKay
Michael Manley.jpg
SPOT January 2012 Photoshoot.jpg

Notable Jamaicans of Irish descent cited from wikepedia 

In honor of one of the biggest holidays in Ireland, St Patrick’s DayLet's take a look at the Irish-Jamaican culture.
When the Irish arrived in 1641, they brought along aspects of their culture. Irish Moss drink gained popularity in Jamaica as a tradition of the Irish.
Irish Moss is a species of red algae (commonly called seaweed) which is abundant in Irish waters, hence the name, “Irish Moss”.

Irish Moss drink rose to the occasion during Ireland’s 19th-century famine, in part due to the abundance of the seaweed.
When the Irish began arriving in the Jamaica, they brought the popular drink with them but soon found out that Jamaica  has the “Irish Moss” seaweed.
The rest is Irish-Jamaican history. Somewhere along the line, Jamaicans decided that Irish Moss was good for boosting a man’s vitality.

Enjoy  Irish-Jamaican culture by trying this  Irish Moss recipe.
She said she adds Supligen. Supligen is a nutrition drink that a lot Jamaican's drink. It's similar to Ensure.
½ lb Irish Moss
2 oz. Gum Arabic
4oz. Isinglass
4oz. Linseed
1 can. Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 lb Sugar
2 tbsp. Vanilla Flavoring
½ Nutmeg
4 qt. Water

  • Wash the moss in the sink to remove sand or foreign matter. Bring water to a boil and then add moss, linseed, isinglass, and gum arabic.
  • Let the ingredients cook until everything is dissolved, except the moss. This will take about an hour or so.
  • Strain the liquid into another container and separate the boiled moss trash from the drink.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients to the mixture, now do a taste test. Add more of anything you feel that would make this drink taste the way you want it to.
  • Put it to cool in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  • Serve in 12 oz. cups.
Note: Because the thickness of this drink can vary, you may have to dilute this mixture to an acceptable level of consistency.

This drink can be flavored with other flavorings such as Jamaican Strawberry Syrup, or add Peanut Butter, or Rolled Oats, or Ground Cashews, the possibilities are endless.
Try something new, don't be cautious, live on the edge!
WARNING: This is one of the most notorious drinks among Jamaican men. It is said to be the drink that will â€śput it back,” or “put lead in your pencil.” Good for the writers, eh?

Since I gave you a little History here's a little English Class too!

Verdict  There is more of the Irish in Jamaicans than perhaps they realize, and more of the Jamaican in us than we care to admit. It’s there in our accents, our love of laughter, of wine, women and song. It’s present in our love affair with the turf and horses -- and the gambling that goes with it. It’s there in our shared fondness for Arthur Guinness and John Barleycorn, and our willingness to live for the moment and let tomorrow look after itself. These are the traits that others readily identify in both nations and why at home and abroad we are “bredren!”  http://republican-news.org/current/news/2009/10/the_black_irish_of_jamaica_one.html#.VQw1wo7YGXM

This has been your History Buzz  with Michelle Smith  as we say in Jamaica everything IRIE have a bless day 

 Find more on your own

LEARN ABOUT CANADIAN HISTORY  FROM MY SON http://janursing.blogspot.ca/2015/07/find-out-more-about-canadian-history-by.html

 http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_ http://www.jamaican-recipes.com/irishmoss.html


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looking for some more Jamaican Recipes get them here.... As the saying goes Jamaica Mon

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