Let's just say that over the years Michelle Smith has developed the ability to create awareness for various community events and Community organizations. Her ability to reach the community and make your event be seen is proven by her unique way  and dedication to  creating visibility for  events and organizations  throughout the GTA and surrounding areas. She has built  a special rapport in the community  and is  seen as a trusted resource. 

Imagine having a dedicated expert who understands your business  goals, just a phone call away. Your Marketing Advocate;  will develop a custom marketing plan based on your goals. When it comes to sending your  campaigns, you'll supply the content, and we will do the rest: design, formatting, campaign testing, and scheduling the send. Included with our Packages.  We  deliver a  activity plan: The plan identifies all of the details needed to ensure every single marketing dollar and hour spent drives results and helps you achieve your goals. Let us help with your next project.
  I work with the best in every  industry to give you  What you need, I drive community awareness with dedicated team work! 

In short, she is more than a Marketing Consultant she is a Marketing Advocate because she believes that your goal is her goal.


  • Identify new opportunities to engage with existing and new clients
  • Manage email and social media marketing campaigns, online advertising, mobile and local marketing
  • Evaluate existing marketing materials, social media and advertising, determining how successfully these target customers and generate sales
  • Shape company branding, the identity of a company and how well it resonates with the desired demographic (is it professional? unique? recognizable?)
  • Maximize lifetime customer value by getting former customers to return more often, perhaps with new product or service opportunities
  • Improve client engagement through social media, creating innovative campaigns on various media that are integrated for optimal success and managing interactions with customers
  • Coordinate content platforms such as website, blog and landing pages
  • Write content mindful of Search Engine Optimization keywords to generate organic search engine rankings
  • Track and review analytics and conversions to benchmark success and achieve optimal results
As you can see the roles of marketing consultants are quite diverse, which is why it helps to know which skills are best suited to your needs.

There are many different ways that a marketing consultant can help an organization

Community Management & Social Media
You may need help getting started and creating a strategy, or perhaps you already have a presence on social networks but your staff lack the time and expertise to stay on top of things. This happens all the time!
Hiring a marketing consultant to take the reigns of your online community and/or social media accounts should feel as if someone on your staff is doing it.
A consultant will make posts, start conversations, respond to your customers, share company news, information and photos of interest to your followers.

General Marketing Support
A consultant can work with your company just as a hired Marketing Manager and help your company by providing advice and direction.
We  can also create your marketing strategy and execute some, or all of it, so you and your staff can get back to focusing on what you do best.
Strategic Marketing Advice
If your company has a challenge related to marketing, a consultant can be brought in to offer insight and ideas.
Expanding into new markets? Not sure the best way to reach your ideal customers? Need to increase sales per year from current customers? These are all challenges a marketing consultant can help you solve.
Thinking about hiring a marketing advocate ? We’d be happy to discuss your needs and provide you with a quote. 

You can also Share your brand, business or event by promoting through our  blog platform. We will create a post that will be seen. We have prices for ever budget and we also accept bartering options 

With over 155,000 page views You should  take advantage of our promotional packages TODAY because "WE CARE"


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