Hello, all it's your Your Health and Social  Advocate here,  I would like to have a candid discussion  about fitness vs Health. I  appreciate all of  my readers and I wanted to say thank you  for reading my blog.  

Health literacy has been defined as:

“The ability to access, understand, evaluate and communicate information as a way to promote, maintain and improve health in a variety of settings across the life-course” (Rootman & Gordon-El-Bihbety, 2008, p. 11).

Lower health literacy leads to the ineffective use of services, poorer health due to lack of understanding of health problems and treatment, and increased frequency of hospitalization 

As your health care advocate, it is important for me to take the lead in providing health information,   Family Health and Literacy is emerging as a growing concern throughout the world, but of course with my 15 years of Nursing experience, this is becoming more evident than ever.
For many, accessing and understanding health information and services can be difficult. It can be especially difficult for someone feeling ill, anxious or in pain. Being able to access and understand information can make a difference to your health and well-being.

Health is relevant  to everyone, but even more so for families with young children, and aging parents, because they are constantly faced with scheduling doctor’s visits, managing illness and trying to keep their family healthy.
Fitness  is always a great wellness initiative,  but how can that help your sick family members or even a sick child? Ask yourself that question. Navigating this maze is what I am here to teach you.

Many people keep interchanging the notion that fitness, wellness, and health mean the  same thing. Contrary to popular belief, fitness does not imply health. We often consider  the two to be synonymous; if we become fit, we become healthier. Actually, while fitness certainly contributes to a person’s overall health, it does not guarantee that that person will be healthy. In a  perfect world,  if  fitness and wellness enthusiasts  decided to give their clients the opportunity to be more knowledgeable about their real healthcare,  my life would be a lot easier.  In a perfect world everyone, I came across would eventually learn how to navigate this health care system, giving individuals the opportunity to the richness of knowledge.  Until then I will continue to my  mission for a community that receives the right information needed to be in total control of their health. 

Fitness refers to a person’s ability to perform physical activity. This can be any physical activity from walking, running, lifting weights or simply playing a game of  basketball.  The common question patients ask me is WHY  AM I IN THE HOSPITAL when all I do is go to the GYM?   One can exercise regularly and be incredibly fit, yet he can still have problems with his heart, lungs, or other parts of his or her  body that can  keep them  from being healthy.
As your health care advocate my goal is to make sure that you are health literate. Sounds fancy!  but it is the one thing  that causes our healthcare system to fail. The literacy of the individuals that use it.

 When using a healthcare advocate, it increases your ability to understand your care; become just a knowledgeable as your health care provider.   Somehow we  have concluded that activity equaled being healthy, and inactivity equaled not being healthy. Unfortunately, this concept is not only false, it is dangerously misleading.  

Let me give you a scenario: If you hurt your back at work and needed to be inactive due to injury, but was health literate and understood that your overall health would include regular visits to the right doctors, eating the right intake comparable to your inactivity would you say this person is healthy?
I have often stated that  health involves a way of life which also could include the barriers to knowledge  Health, on the other hand, involves EVERY system of your body,  along with a  lifestyle that supports your  health. 

For instance, if a patient of mine tells me that they have neglected to  eat properly, ignoring the fat and sugar  content of food  and hasn't made many efforts to be seen by a Doctor, all the exercise in the world couldn't possibly correct the damage done from such a lifestyle. Exercise can't replace  the RIGHT medical information.  Only sound knowledge can support good health.  Our health is mainly the result  of knowledge towards what it means as individuals to be healthy.

We make our future with what we do every day of our lives with the right knowledge, and the desire to see it through, you can certainly accomplish a great deal. 
Health and fitness research  is growing by day. For those who have access to the Internet, you can find loads of information in the area of health. If you have a web browser, you can use one of the search engines to isolate specific topics you are interested in. While  on the net go to  learn more about  fitness vs healthcare vs wellness We are living in the best era for achieving health and fitness  literacy.  By simply educating yourself, you provide yourself with the POWER to make significant changes in your health and life.

Great news, I can help you because I believe that knowledge is the best medicine.
Health literacy is not just about individuals and communities. Health professionals who provide clear, reliable information are essential to helping people manage their health and play an essential role in improving health literacy skills.   The next time you are curious about your health  take a moment  to  visit my   Ask The Expert page. Lack of knowledge is a disease that I am here to help cure.

Where do you fit in ?

How health literate are you?

This has been watching out for your health with Michelle Smith your Health and Social advocate  Remember it's time to let your friends know about what you're reading. Thanks for sharing Please feel free to leave a comment 

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