A Health Care Coach Makes You A Winner Join In !

Hi Its your Health Advocate Michelle Smith here,  With the launch of  my new program Health  Care Shield , I just wanted to welcome you to this  wonderful journey that you will be embarking on. I will  explore what most health-care providers and fitness coaches will  overlook (like self-love, environmental influences, social determinants, and  medical factual knowledge. 

If you are still wondering Why  you should use a Health Coach/Advocate . Let me start off by letting you know that  we work in conjunction with  your trainer, health care provider  to help mold habits that will stay. We will  teach you how to achieve your optimal health goals for not only yourself but this is knowledge that will suite the needs of your whole family.  We give you the power through knowledge to be in charge of your health. We believe in teamwork for wellness.

The words Health and wellness are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings. Health is a "State of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
Wellness, on the other hand, is defined as the overall process of maintaining a general state of good health. Wellness involves conscious decisions on the part of the individual In modern usage, however, the combined phrase "health and wellness" has come to mean the pursuit of overall physical, mental, and emotional health. This term is used frequently in various contexts, all aimed at promoting a better lifestyle.

We Offer workshops to groups  all ages providing the knowledge  needed to succeed through all milestones of life. We Work with the community to teach our youths  how to be health  and socially literate; which will encourage and foster the best life style practices.  

When working with our team you are guaranteed to be a winner. We strive on giving you all the knowledge you need to be at your best with life time knowledge. For the Record many will claim that they are health coaches by using exercise as a tool to gester knowledge. FALSE   Here is  some tips for helping you pick the right Coach for YOU


It's up to you to decide if you're comfortable with the level of training and experience of the coach you intend to hire.

If you have a specific illness or medical concern, ask their experience working with individuals like you. Are they licensed to treat people with medical issues? Are they aware of specific needs you may have or certain limitations? 

In some cases, it may be important to find someone who is both a licensed health care provider and a holistic health coach (there are a few of us out there!). We're trained to handle any medical issues that may come up and facilitate healthy changes in the safest and most effective way.We are your navigation specialist that take you and your family one step further by being able to be your Voice

As complex human beings, our health is a combination of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. When striving to make health changes it's important to be mindful of all areas of our well-being.

Many coaches are trained in one thing: nutrition, personal training, spiritual guidance, behavior change or weight loss.

Not all coaches  are equipped to handle all aspects of your health that's OK!  but always make sure that you Understand your needs properly........

Your  initial assessment at the gym can really make you feel as if you are making BiG changes! Yes you are,   But always remember  to ask how the tools that you need to spend more money on  how it will be a  real life changer.

Always remember that your Doctor is the only person you will know for your entire life:  because  he or she is the loony one who can sign your Birth and Death certificate. So know what is needed for you to stay current with your health. After all we  all are  predisposed to something regardless of age.

A coach should be aware of the importance of treating people holistically and have the tools — or a good referral network — to help you in key areas during your quest for better health. 

For this reason Our programs works with You, your fitness trainer, your Doctor to give you the results. 



Just a Quick Reminder be sure to ask your Coach What tools  they  have to help you get  Unstuck ?

Most people seek the help of a fitness trainer,health coach  when they're stuck. They've tried to make changes but have found blocks, resistance and challenges.
Usually when clients come to me "stuck," it's because they have reached a road block with their health care provider along with requiring  some time to explore  the mental, emotional or spiritual factors that affect their health. 

Exploring these areas can be intimidating and scary. A coach should be able to sit in this space with you and feel comfortable with the uncomfortable stuff that comes up. They also have the tools and training to do this with you in a safe, healing environment.

It is important for you to be able to advocate for your self  always ask you fitness guru  When would you refer me to a licensed health care provider?

It's very important to be clear with your coach what their scope of practice is. Many coaches are not medically trained and are not licensed to diagnose, assist, or understand symptoms that you may or may not tell them.
Just because a coach has worked with people with a certain disease doesn't mean they're certified or qualified to give you the right information to help you get the right  treatment.


A good  and confident coach will know their limitations and will  be willing to discuss them with you. They should be comfortable admitting, "I don't know how to help you with this" or saying, "I think a more thorough work-up by a health care provider is needed."

Lastly another question that you should always ask yourself when starting a new health journey is  will I still be in control of my health?
Lasting health changes only occur when a client takes ownership of her own healing. We're unique, intricate beings with different personalities, motivations and challenges.
It takes time for me to intimately understand my clients and guide them toward the best methods and approaches for them. One size does not fit all!

I love when people say to me, "that won't work for me" because we get to come up with lots of ideas on how to make health work better for them. In fact, when something doesn't work it usually helps us more specifically find what does ... and this is how we create success in our health!
Hiring a health coach can be a great addition to your health care team. Asking the right questions will help guide you in finding the best fit for your needs.

most valuable gifts I have ever given myself.”  — Illana Burk


JA Nursing is a community division of J.A Smith Consulting and Nursing Services  we will produce results that you can evaluate.  We are Social and Health advocates striving for change. 

Every age comes with a concern, let us help you today to get the right answers.  We work with various platforms throughout the community to establish the reputation needed to set  this as a much needed service.

This has been watching  out for your health with Michelle Smith your health and social advocate. Contact us to learn how a healthcare advocate will help you or your organization achieve best practices. We specialize in your overall health   for  more information visit Us www.janursingservcies.com

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