Should We Be Giving Boys The HPV vaccine too? Learn about Ontario's HPV Immunization Program

Originally posted April 14 2015
Revised September 23, 2016

  Hey, it's your Girl JA Nursing here. Hope all is well ?  just a reminder  that the aim of this Blog is to educate my listeners and readers on an urban platform the goal is to continue to increase the health and social literacy of my readers.

last year we  covered on ReggaeTown Radio.......

 The Measles outbreak, Parents were worried about its spread and immunization routine for prevention. Measles started to crop up across Canada in February 2015. The first cases to appear were in Toronto and were followed by cases in the Niagara region, the Lanaudiere region of Quebec, and later, in Winnipeg. Below you will find the expected immunization routine. It is very important to have your child immunized within the required time period. 

 Again in the news  Yesterday 04/12/15 on G98.7's Grapevine  one of the topics discussed was regarding revoking social assistance to those who did not immunize their children. Do You Agree with that?

 Sydney (dpa) - Australians who refuse to vaccinate their children will no longer receive child care subsidies and family tax benefits, Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced Sunday.

 Wow, that is quite  drastic, but immunization is  a method that helps in reducing future costs  to any health care system.   Today on Global News topic of discussion again Immunization for  boys. 

This blog will address vaccination and it's importance.

NEWS ALERT with headlines reading

Ontario expanding HPV vaccination program to include boys

    Toronto has finally agreed to issue the HPV vaccine to boys This has been my thought for years especially since I have worked in Oncology for years (Cancer Floor) the effects of HPV are real. Especially since Boys can pass on HPV as well.  Have your say leave a comment below

My Story:  In 2006 my daughter Jessica was in  grade 7,  Her  class was the first group of students being introduced the new HPV vaccine. For the record, I did not make her take it because at that time I didn't  know enough about this new vaccine so to my ignorance I didn't research the situation enough. Now 9 years later do I agree with the vaccine. My answer is Yes.  With all the research that has now been provided to prove that the vaccine  does, in fact, help with the prevention of Cervical Cancer along with other health related problems. I felt it necessary to explain this topic in depth to you all.

Please note that it is cited that  The best time to vaccinate against HPV Providing the HPV vaccine in Grade 7 (when youth are normally 12, going on 13 years of age) aligns with expert recommendations from Canada's National Advisory Committee on Immunization because this is the age when the benefits of the vaccine are maximized.

A look back on my past thoughts!

Currently, the topic is should boys be given the vaccine as well? Well since there are several forms of  HPV otherwise known as   Human Papillomavirus , the intention to introduce the vaccine as early as grade 8 was to ensure its  introduction prior to children being sexually active. Great point. But in the  scenario, one would wonder what  would happen to my Son.   How is he protected? The suggestion which I agree with would mean that the government   would pay for boys to be vaccinated, which would help to decrease  the future costs of throat cancer related to HPV virus. So let's truly take this into consideration Alberta and Prince Edward Island also covers the costs for boys  and Nova Scotia plans to add HPV vaccines for boys in Grade 7 this fall. Should we rally for the same?


 Did you know that while HPV is typically considered a factor in women’s cervical cancer, men are also at risk for penile, anal, head, neck and throat cancers?

 The vaccine provides protection against four types of the common Human Papillomavirus, some of which are responsible for 70 percent of cervical cancer, according to Health Canada.

The virus also can cause other genital cancers and genital warts in both females and males.
Pharmacist Samy Mak told Humber News the vaccine is very important for young adults.

  •  HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection
  • HPV is so common that nearly all sexually-active men and women get it at some point in their lives. 
  • There are many different types of HPV. Some types can cause health problems including genital warts and cancers. But there are vaccines that can stop these health problems from happening.

How is HPV spread?

You can get HPV by having
  • vaginal, 
  • anal,
  • oral sex with someone who has the virus. 
  • It is most commonly spread during vaginal or anal sex. 
  • HPV can be passed even when an infected person has no signs or symptoms.
  • Anyone who is sexually active can get HPV, even if you have had sex with only one person. You also can develop symptoms years after you have sex with someone who is infected making it hard to know when you first became infected.
   How can I avoid HPV and the health problems it can cause?You can do several things to lower your chances of getting HPV
  •   Get vaccinated. HPV vaccines are safe and effective. They can protect males and females against diseases (including cancers)

  • Get screened for cervical cancer. Routine screening for women aged 21 to 65 years old can prevent cervical cancer.
 Knowledge is Power
  • Use latex condoms the right way every time you have sex. This can lower your chances of getting HPV. But HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom - so condoms may not give full protection against getting HPV
  • Be in a mutually monogamous relationship – or have sex only with someone who only has sex with you.    Remember  Prevention  Is Better then Cure

Remember There is no treatment for the virus itself. However, there are treatments for the health problems that HPV can cause:
  1. Genital warts can be treated by you or your physician. If left untreated, genital warts may go away, stay the same, or grow in size or number.
  2. Cervical precancer can be treated. Women who get routine Pap tests and follow up as needed can identify problems before cancer develops. Prevention is always better than treatment. For more information visit 
  3. Other HPV-related cancers are also more treatable when diagnosed and treated early. 

Here is the vaccination schedule if you haven't followed this with your child please look into getting it done.

Vaccination is the most effective way to protect us from infectious diseases (PDF). Giving infants more than one vaccine at a time protects them when they are most vulnerable to infection and disease.

2 months, your child needs three vaccines:
two needles and one by oral drops
  • Pneumococcal disease (Pneu-C- 13)
  • Rotavirus (oral drops)
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Polio, Haemophilus B (Hib) (DTap-IPV-Hib)
4 months, your child needs three vaccines:
two needles and one by oral drops
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Polio, Haemophilus B (Hib) (DTap-IPV-Hib)
  • Pneumococcal disease (Pneu-C- 13)
  • Rotavirus (oral drops)
6 months, your child needs one needle
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Polio, Haemophilus B (Hib) (DTap-IPV-Hib)

12 months, your child needs three needles
  • Meningococcal Conjugate, Type C Vaccine
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  • Pneumococcal disease (Pneu-C- 13)

15 months, your child needs one needle
  • Chickenpox
18 months, your child needs one needle
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Polio, Haemophilus B (Hib) (DTap-IPV-Hib)

4 to 6 years, your child needs two needles
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox (MMRV)
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Polio (Tdap-IPV)

Grade 7 students In Ontario, Health units are funded to provide vaccines in schools
  • Hepatitis B vaccine (series of 2 doses)
  • Meningococcal (Men ACYW-135) Conjugate Vaccine

Grade 8 girls In Ontario, Health units are funded to provide vaccines in schools
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) (series of 3 doses)
For girls who did not receive or complete the three-dose HPV series in Grade 8 may receive it at a community clinic.

14 to 16 years old, your child needs a booster
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Whooping Cough) (Tdap)
Every autumn (6 months of age and older)
  • Influenza

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