JA Nursing Meets Read 2 Rap

Several months ago I attended a event called If I ruled T.O, that was the start of my meeting  Roger, Kevin, and Tru-Gk the Read 2 Rap Crew.  That was my first experience at sitting at the Round Table. 

Several  weeks ago I  was formally asked again to participate in what is known as the Round Table.  Being of West Indian descend Jamaican to be exact I remember seeing gatherings taking place and it being referred to as  Round Table or they would saying were having Round Table Talk.

Lets examine the dictionary meaning:

Round table  is a form of academic discussion. Participants agree on a specific topic to discuss and debate. Each person is given equal right to participate, because of the circular layout usually used in round table discussions.
round table[ round-tey-buhl ]
1. a number of persons gathered together for conference, discussion of some subject, etc., and often seated at a round table.

When invited to participate I decided to look them up  and share with you this incredible organization, this is what I came up with 

The R2R program allows participants to receive concentrated instruction and development in their art, fully understand the history and origins of Hip Hop culture as a whole, and to recognize its capacity as an effective tool for personal and social change. Rap music and Hip Hop culture is used as the vehicle to bring youth closer to the leader within. Students are engaged in research, creative writing, speech arts, teamwork and thought provoking discussion.

Our goals are to develop leaders who are confident with their own image because they are literate, cultured and socially aware. It is our belief that youth should be provided the opportunity to develop their own voice and present their own message.

Focus is placed on developing leadership skills and improving literacy within an interactive framework of analyzing and writing music, individual and group activities, speech and performance skills and self-image assessment.

Topics of discussion may include: bullying, conflict-resolution, violence, image, self-confidence and any other personal or community issues.

With all that community love who would not want to be a part of it. As a health care advocate in the community the goal is Understanding common health concerns and what can be done to prevent or treat them, this can go a long way towards reducing the stress felt when it comes to your health and the health of those in your care.  

Now that we have it clear about the goals of Read 2 rap please
Join US  Today www.Read2Rap.com for a healthy conversation with myself founder of 
Community Division JA Nursing 
 Today @  noon and 10pm Feb 27 2014 www.r2rradio.com — R2R Family.

Thanks again for having me. Ja Nursing is committed to changing the face of knowledge in the community by increasing awareness on healthmatters with the focus of helping to achieve better healthcare results. Knowledge is Power! 


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