You Are invited to the 3rd Annual MS Fundraising Dinner on May 29th 2016
Over the last 15 years, I have worked with many patients with MS. The journey is like no other. The limitations can become overwhelming. The desire to see progress at times may seem impossible. Your Mind becomes your best friend when your body becomes your enemy. When asked to support this cause 3 years ago, I knew that this was important especially with Tionna being diagnosed at age 17 with an illness that still has no cure. This year I will be speaking about Mental Wellness, resiliency and what is needed to conquer living with Medical Challenges. You are invited to the 3rd Annual MS Fundraising Dinner on May 29th. Support this great cause Join us on this special day to help those battling with MS. Advance tickets are available for $30. D/m for more info. Ticket link below. Your support matters! Multiple sclerosis today is WorldMSDay , a day to recognize the 2.1 million people Living With MS e/ 3rd-annual-ms-fundr...